Lowell Thomas, better known as "Cookie", was affiliated with The Yellow Jackets from 1952 to 1958. He got his nickname when everyone called him "little Cook" after his uncle who was a member of the Giles American Legion Post. It eventually evolved into "Cookie".
He marched in the ColorGuard and in the soprano line as a 3rd soprano. After Giles he joined the Men of Brass and then the Chicago Connection. He also instructed St. Brendan's Patriots in Chicago. He took a break from Drum Corps from 1959 thru 1962 while he served in the United States Army. Presently Cookie is a Women's College Recruiter for softball and basketball. He is retired from the U.S. Department of HUD.
After leaving Drum Corps he was assistant Coach of Women's Fastpitch Softball at Prairie State College in 2000 and Assistant Coach at Calumet College of St. Joseph, IN in 2001. Now he is Assistant Coach of the Chicago Attitude. He also is the right-hand-man of the Webmaster for this website.
Cookie says his most memorable moments with the Giles Yellow Jackets were positive ones in nature except for the discrimination we would receive in the scoring of our musical and marching abilities. However, leaving Chicago for an American Legion Convention in New York City with a layover in Philadelphia, seeing for the first time the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and as a horn player, playing "Ballyhoo" in hotel lobbies and hallways in uniforms were great thrills. Also, I hooked up with my uncle "Big Cookie" my namesake a member of Giles Post at that convention. In the National Parade, the Corps stopped and played in formation for the Catholic Cardinal of New York City. I returned to the Corps in 1958-59 as a Color Guard member to still have greater times.
* Photos from Tilden yearbook and Toni'O's collection